
“Health is wealth.

Peace of mind is happiness.

Yoga shows the way”

Welcome to Yoga Shastra!

Yoga is a way of life and how you look at life. For many people, yoga is the same as body postures or asanas, but that is just one element of the whole. Without understanding the basic principles of yoga philosophy or if not also practising meditation and pranayama, you are not actually practising yoga. All these practices will together become yoga, which according to philosophy is the unification of the Individual Self with the Universal Self. 

In each class, we teach according to the ancient tradition of Hatha Yoga which combines philosophy, asanas, pranayama, meditation and deep relaxation. In that way, your mind, body and soul will benefit from the yoga practice on a deeper level. 

What We Offer

We are a Swedish and Indian based yoga company and offer Yoga Private sessions for companies and Yoga regular courses in Linköping, Sweden. Yoga and Ayurveda Retreats, Yoga Teacher Training courses in Scandinavia, Europe, India and Bali.

Yoga for Office

We offer yoga, mindfullness and meditation for companies around Östergötland county.

Private Yoga Classes

We offer private yoga sessions for individual or group.


Yoga Workshops

Yoga, Yoga Vedanta philosophy, Meditation, Pranayama workshps in Scandinavia.

Yoga Retreats

We offer yoga and ayurveda Retrets in  Scandinavia, Europe, India and Bali

Yoga Linköping

Yoga courses 2024

Our Yoga autumn courses are starting from August week 32. We offer different levels of yoga courses, Yoga workshops and Retreats. If you are interested to join one of our yoga course please click on the Read More button below for more details of the yoga course and registration.

About Rajesh

Rajesh is a classic hatha yoga teacher with more than 16 years of teaching experience. He was born and raised in Kerala, India the land of Yoga and Ayurveda. He has been staying five and half years to learn yoga and its philosophy at Sivananda yoga ashram in India. Rajesh teaches yoga in its purest form according to ancient scriptures of yoga system with Meditation, Pranayama (Yogic breathing techniques) Kriyas and yoga philosophy.

Sivananda Yoga Retreat in Bali

Yoga, Meditation, Satsang, Culture and Beaches

2nd of November -16th November 2024

Yoga Ayurveda Retreat to Kerala, India

Yoga, Meditation, Satsang, Culture and Beaches

18th  to 31st January 2025

Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Teacher Training in Sweden, India and Bali

Five Points of Yoga

The yogic path to wellbeing; Swami Vishnudevananda taught five easy principles of yoga. They bring together the often-complex philosophies and teachings of India’s ancient yogis in a form that is easy to understand and simple to adapt to everyday life, wherever you live in the world.

Proper Exercise

Proper exercise or Asanas rejuvenate the whole body. They work primarily on the spine and central nervous system The spine gains in strength and flexibility, and circulation is stimulated, bringing nutrients and oxygen to all the cells of the body. Asanas increase motion in the joints and flexibility in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They massage internal organs, boosting their function.

Proper Breathing

Pranayama stimulates the energy reserves of the solar plexus, revitalizing body and mind. Regulating the breath helps to store prana the vital life force, laying down reserves of strength and vitality. Deep, conscious breathing helps to conquer depression and stress, and controlling prana-by controlling the breath – can relieve symptoms of illness in a similar way to acupuncture.

Positive Thinking and Meditation

Positive thinking and meditation are the yogic keys to peace of mind. Meditation techniques calm the mind and enhance focus. Regular meditation promotes physical and spiritual, as well as mental, well-being. Before meditation, yoga practitioners clear the mind of negative thoughts and feelings, using concentration and positive-thinking exercises.

Proper Relaxation

Deep relaxation works on three levels – physical, mental, and spirtual -and is the most natural way to re-energize body and mind. Regular relaxation acts like a car’s cooling system. keeping the engine from overheating and ensuring the vehicle functions efficiently. During the deep relaxation at the end of a yoga session, the body uses only enough prana to maintain vital metabolic activities. The rest of the energy gained during practice is stored. Deep relaxation relieves the body of existing stress symptoms (including muscle tension and breathlessness) and also helps develop resistance against external stress factors. Once the body and mind are freed from constant overload they are at ease and perform more efficiently.

Proper Diet

The yogic attitude to food is Eat to live, not live to eat. Yogis choose foods with a positive effect on body and mind, and least negative effects on the environment and other creatures. Fresh and unrefined foods are thought best, prepared simply, to preserve maximum nutrients. It is natural, simple to prepare, easy to digest and absorb.

Our Teaching

Read  more about what is yoga and our teaching

Why do we practice Yoga?

We practice Yoga in order to evolve in life, to get success in life and Self-realisation. Yoga is not separate from life. It is possible to integrate the practices in our daily routine, no matter our conditions in life (rich or poor, single or with family duties, old or young, healthy or ill), because everyone has spiritual potential and everyone wants to evolve. We are looking for the ultimate answers to all the questions of life: “What is life? What is death? What happens after death? Why do certain people seem to be happier then others? Why are certain people luckier than others? How do we prioritise our life? What is Dharma? What is right? What is wrong? Why is there war and conflict? How can we have peace?”


"Yoga is a self discipline based on the tenets of simple living and high thinking"

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a complete science of life that originated in India many thousands of years ago. It is the oldest system of personal development in the world, encompassing in its scope, body, mind and spirit. The ancient yogis had a profound understanding of man’s essential nature and of what he needs to live in harmony with himself and his environment. They perceived the physical body as a vehicle, with the mind as the driver, the soul as man’s true identity, and action, emotion and intelligence as the three forces which pull the body-vehicle. In order to have an integral development, these three forces must be in balance. The underlying purpose of all the different aspects of the practice is to reunite the individual Self (the jiva) with the Absolute or pure consciousness (Brahman). The word Yoga means literally “joining”

Union with this unchanging reality liberates the spirit from all sense of separation, freeing it from the illusion of time, space and causation. It is only our ignorance, our inability to discriminate between the real and unreal, that prevents from us from realising our true nature.

Classical Yoga

Classical Yoga is a system of spiritual Knowledge coming from the scriptures (the Vedas), and handed down by a lineage of teachers. It does not come from the creativity of one individual. It is universal and non-sectarian and can be practiced by all. It is a complete system in itself, with many different facets; it is a systematic approach, practiced over a long time, and not a quick fix. The goal is Peace and Self-realization. Its teaching needs to be selfless, to insure the purity of the teaching.

Spiritual practice

Yoga practiced as a Sadhana (spiritual practice) gives multiple benefits, physically, mentally and spiritually. Yoga regards the individual in its totality, as a whole, not just as a physical body, or just as an ungrounded mind, or just as a disembodied spirit. Peace and health happen when the individual is in harmony with him or herself, when he is able to perceive himself as one with all, and consequently his actions and feelings are governed by this realisation. Yoga brings about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Sivananda Yoga

Sivananda Yoga teaches the classical method of the four paths of Yoga in order for the individual to experience this state of peace and harmony in the body, mind and spirit. The modern Yoga approach emphasises the physical postures while classical Yoga includes mental and spiritual components in the practice.

Swami Sivananda on yoga

There are many definitions of yoga and all that definitions are correct. Here is a definition of Swami Sivananda. “Yoga is complete life. It is a method which overhauls all aspects of the human personality. Yoga is a system of integral education, education not only of the body and the mind or the intellect, but also of the inner spirit. Yoga shows you the marvelous method of rising from evil to good, and from goodness to holiness and then to eternal divine splendor. YOGA IS THE ART OF RIGHT LIVING. The Yogi who has learned the art of right living is happy, harmonious, peaceful and free from tension. Yoga is a science perfected by ancient seers of India, not merely of India, but of humanity as a whole. It is an exact science, a perfect, practical system of self-culture”

Online Classical Hatha Yoga classes


We offer Ayurvedic treatments

Sivananda Yoga

(Classical  Hatha Yoga)

Yoga for your needs!

We arrange yoga sessions according to your needs

Corporate yoga

Yoga for students

Yoga party