
Yoga at the office

We bring yoga to your workplace


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What we offer

We would love to arrange yoga sessions for your needs! It can be a usual yoga session, meditation class, or few days yoga retreat for a group or individuals! We will specially modify the yoga sessions according to your needs for no matter your skill level, our yoga classes are designed to accommodate everyone – whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner.

– Team Yoga Shastra


The Office Yoga

Our office yoga program that combines different types of yoga and adapts traditional exercises to suit the workplace environment. We also emphasize the importance of Pranayama breathing – an essential aspect of Hatha Yoga.  Pranayama directly translates to “control of breath” or “extension of life force” and has been scientifically proven to be an effective treatment for stress-related disorders. By integrating Pranayama, Deep yogic relaxation and meditation techniques with physical exercises, we offer a comprehensive solution for those who struggle with workplace stress.

Practice of integrated yoga programmes can lead to better health and productivity, with relaxed employees doing the best job possible for their companies – and themselves!


The Office Yoga

Our office yoga program that combines different types of yoga and adapts traditional exercises to suit the workplace environment. We also emphasize the importance of Pranayama breathing – an essential aspect of Hatha Yoga.  Pranayama directly translates to “control of breath” or “extension of life force” and has been scientifically proven to be an effective treatment for stress-related disorders. By integrating Pranayama, Deep yogic relaxation and meditation techniques with physical exercises, we offer a comprehensive solution for those who struggle with workplace stress.

Practice of integrated yoga programmes can leads to better health and productivity, with relaxed employees doing the best job possible for their companies – and themselves!


If you have the space, we can come to your workplace and train your group so the way you can save your time. Alternatively, you can bring your team to our yoga studio where we can arrange a suitable place near your work. We can provide the yoga mats if we come to your workplace, so you just need to offer a suitable location.



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Prefer online class?

We are pleased to offer online classes for your team. Our live sessions can be recorded for future reference and can be accessed from anywhere at any time, so participants can practice and review on their own schedule. This approach provides the flexibility and convenience that many people need in today’s fast-paced world.



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For any questions or contcat us please send an email. To send an email please click on the Email botton below

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