
Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga (The Yoga of Love and Devotion) Bhakti Yoga, the devotional approach of pure love and compassion, is the second of the Four Paths of Yoga, and it is where we begin to see all that is as the embodiment of Love. Bhakti Yoga is the path of channeling and...

Karma Yoga Path

Karma Yoga (The Yoga of Selfless Service) Karma Yoga Karma Yoga or “selfless service” is the first of the Four Paths of Yoga, and in Swami Sivananda’s Yoga of Synthesis, it is where we begin aligning our focus to the benefit of humanity so that we may further step...

Positive Thinking Meditation

Vedanta and Dhyana (Positive thinking and Meditation) According to Swami Vishnudevananda, Vedānta & Dhyāna (Positive Thinking and Meditation) is the most important of all the 5 Points of Yoga, for we become what we think. Yoga teaches us that a positive outlook on...

Proper Diet

Proper Diet (Vegetarian) Besides being responsible for building our physical body, the foods we eat profoundly affect our mind, our senses, as well as our environment. Today, let us begin by getting familiar with the fundamentals. The Yogic Diet The Yogic diet is a...

Proper Relaxation

Savasana (Proper relaxation) In our increasingly interconnected world, many of us are finding it more and more difficult to be in our natural state of feeling truly relaxed. Even while surfing the web, watching tv, reading a good book, socializing with friends – many...
Proper Breathing

Proper Breathing

Prāṇāyāma Prāṇāyāma, the science of breath control, consists of a series of exercises especially intended to keep the body and mind in vibrant health. Introduction Breath is life. We can live for days without food or water but deprive us of breath and we die in...